
The ATPase activities in Chlamydomonas axonemes were compared between wild type and a mutant (oda) that lacks entire outer dynein arms, at various ionic strengths and pH values, and in the presence of different concentrations of high-molecular-mass dextran. Over a 0-0.2 M KCl concentration range, the ATPase activity of oda axonemes was found to be 5-12 times lower than that of the wild-type axonemes. The low activity in oda is surprising since outer arm-depleted axonemes of sea urchin sperm have been reported to retain about 50% of the normal activity. In both wild type and oda, the ATPase activity of dynein was higher when contained within the axoneme than when released from it with 0.6 M KCl. The ATPase activation within the wild-type axoneme was inhibited by high ionic strengths or by the presence of dextran. The activation in oda axonemes, on the other hand, was not inhibited by these factors. These significantly different ATPase properties suggest that the inner and outer dynein arms perform somewhat different functions in this organism.

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