
SL inhibited adventitious shoot formation of ipecac, whereas the SL-related inhibitors promoted adventitious shoot formation. SL-related inhibitors might be useful as new plant growth regulators for plant propagation. In most plant species, phytohormones are required to induce adventitious shoots for propagating economically important crops and regenerating transgenic plants. In ipecac (Carapichea ipecacuanha (Brot.) L. Andersson), however, adventitious shoots can be formed without phytohormone treatment. Here we evaluated the effects of GR24 (a synthetic strigolactone, SL), SL biosynthetic inhibitors, and an SL antagonist on adventitious shoot formation during tissue culture of ipecac. We found that exogenously applied GR24 suppressed indole-3-acetic acid transport in internodal segments and decreased the number of adventitious shoots formed; in addition, the distribution of adventitious shoots changed from the apical to middle region of the internodal segments. In contrast, the SL-related inhibitors promoted adventitious shoot formation on both apical and middle regions of the segments. In particular, SL antagonist treatment increased endogenous cytokinin levels and induced multiple shoot development. These results indicate that SL inhibits adventitious shoot formation in ipecac. In ipecac, one of the shoots in each internodal segment becomes dominant and auxin derived from that shoot suppresses the other shoot growth. Here, this dominance was overcome by application of SL-related inhibitors. Therefore, SL-related inhibitors might be useful as new plant growth regulators to improve the efficiency of plant propagation in vitro.

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