
Launching of the Omega X laser system at the University of Rochester's Laboratory for Laser Energetics (C&EN, March 15, page 7) is only the latest event in a national effort aimed at developing laser fusion as a technology for generating power. Programs at Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Sandia Laboratories, and KMS Fusion Inc., along with that at Rochester, add up to a rapidly developing area of research. A good overview of that research and of the patterns developing was provided at mid-month by Energy Research & Development Administration program authorization hearings before Congress' Joint Committee on Atomic Energy. Representatives from ERDA and the laboratories outlined the various projects, achievements, and goals. What all of the projects are moving toward is the achievement of a significant thermonuclear reaction by irradiating a deuterium-tritium pellet with laser or electron beam pulses. The irradiation causes the surface of the pellet, which is about 1 mm in ...

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