
The rectus femoris and its covering, the fascia lata (i.e., fascia profundis), are two anatomical structures involved in anterior thigh stretching. This study aimed to identify the role of strain changes in the fascia lata in limiting stretch tolerance. The reaction force intensity of 11 men and 5 women was assessed during passive stretching of the anterior thigh at 130, 110, 90, and 70° of knee flexion. Recent data suggest that the fascia lata strain field is modified with knee flexion. Therefore, the relationship between knee flexion angle and stretch tolerance was assessed. We found that the reaction force of the anterior thigh increased almost linearly with the degree of knee extension between 130° and 70°. The fascia lata stretched surface proprioceptive information seems responsible for stretch tolerance. Fascia profundis strain field must be considered during stretching experiments.

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