
Develop a method for determining and evaluating the stress-strain state, particularly the distribution of thermomechanical stresses in the materials of individual rotating parts of vehicles.The proposed method is based on the principle of gradual approximations of the solution when the boundary conditions are satisfied on the curvilinear limiting surfaces of the disk body.The proposed method of determining and estimating the distribution of thermomechanical stresses in the disk material makes it possible to take into account the variable geometry: thickness and presence of a hole in the central part of the disk, also correctly determine stress-strain state at any point of unevenly heated rotating axial body.The work uses generally accepted assumptions and limitations for thermomechanical calculations.It is proved that in real disks, the stress-strain state is spatial, and the well - known method based on the hypotheses of the plane-stress state does not provide the possibility of calculating the values of stresses in the thickness of the disk. The obtained results can be used to improve the methodology of auto technical examination of road accidents. In addition, they can be taken into account by bus drivers on urban routes when choosing a safe distance in heavy traffic, as well as design engineers of car brake systems.

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