
The application of the cantilever bending technique to stressmeasurements at surfaces and in epitaxial films is elucidated.The role of elastic anisotropy in quantitative cantilevercurvature analysis is discussed. The stress in Co monolayers ismeasured during epitaxial growth on Cu(001). TheCo-induced stress is found to oscillate with a period of oneatomic layer. Simultaneous stress and medium-energy electrondiffraction identify maximum stress for filled Co layers. Strainrelaxation in Co islands leads to the reduced stress contributionof 2.9 GPa in the partially filled top layer as compared to3.4 GPa for the filled layers. The cantilever technique is alsoapplied to measure magnetoelastic properties of nanometre thinepitaxial films. Our measurements reveal that themagnetoelastic-coupling coefficients in epitaxial Fe, Co and Ni films differfrom the respective bulk values. It is proposed that theepitaxial misfit strain is of key importance for this peculiarmagnetostrictive behaviour of ultrathin films.

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