
Transgenic 'Duncan' grapefruit (Citrus paradisi Macf.) and 'Valencia' sweet orange (Citrus sinensis [L.] Osbeck) plants ectopically expressing C. sinensis (cv. Washington navel orange) APETALA1 (CsAP1) or LEAFY (CsLFY) genes under control of the Arabidopsis thaliana stress-inducible promoter AtRD29A flowered under non-inductive (warm temperature, well-watered) greenhouse conditions, whereas their wild-type (WT) counterparts did not. The transgenic plants that flowered exhibited no altered morphological features, except the lack of thorns characteristic of juvenile WT plants. The most precocious T0 line, 'Duncan' grapefruit (Dun134-3) expressing the CsAP1 gene, flowered and fruited when it was 4.5years old and the T1 siblings from this line flowered and fruited when they were just over 18months old. In contrast, T1 seedlings from three lines of 'Duncan' grapefruit expressing the CsLFY gene flowered within 3months after germination, but were unable to support fruit development. Transcript levels of corresponding transgenes in leaves were not correlated with earliness of flowering. To further study the activity of AtRD29A, leaves from three 'Carrizo' citrange (C. sinensis×Poncirus trifoliata) rootstock seedlings transformed with the green fluorescent protein (GFP) gene under regulation of the AtRD29A promoter were subjected to drought stress or well-watered conditions. Expression of GFP was not stress-dependent, consistent with the observation of flowering of CsAP1 and CsLFY transgenic plants under non-inductive conditions. Taken together, the results suggest that AtRD29A is constitutively expressed in a citrus background. Despite the loss of control over flowering time, transgenic citrus lines ectopically expressing C. sinensis AP1 or LFY genes under control of the A. thaliana RD29A promoter exhibit precocious flowering, fruit development and viable transgenic seed formation. These transformed lines can be useful tools to reduce the time between generations to accelerate breeding.

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