
Discovery of CARF (Collaborator of ARF)/CDKN2AIP as an ARF-interacting protein that promotes ARF-p53-p21WAF1 signaling and cellular senescence, initially established its role in genomic stress. Multiple reports further unraveled its role in regulation of senescence, growth arrest, apoptosis, or malignant transformation of cells in response to a variety of stress conditions in cultured human cells. It has been established as an essential protein. Whereas CARF-compromised cells undergo apoptosis, its enrichment has been recorded in a variety of cancer cells and has been associated with malignant transformation. We earlier demonstrated its role in stress-induced cell phenotypes that ranged from growth arrest, apoptosis, or malignant transformation. In the present study, we assessed the molecular mechanism of quantitative impact of change in CARF expression level on these cell fates. Stress-induced changes in CARF expression were assessed quantitatively with proteins involved in proteotoxicity, oxidative, genotoxic, and cytotoxic stress. These comparative quantitative analyses confirmed that (i) CARF responds to diverse stresses in a quantitative manner, (ii) its expression level serves as a reliable predictive measure of cell fates (iii) it correlates more with the DNA damage and MDA levels than the oxidative and proteotoxic signatures and (iv) CARF-expression based quantitative assay may be recruited for stress diagnostic applications.

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