
This paper summarises the findings of a series of studies of British clinical psychologists and discusses them in relation to the (mainly US) literature. Four main questions are addressed: (1) How stressed are clinical psychologists? (2) Which psychologists are most stressed? (3) What are the main sources of stress for clinical psychologists? and (4) What coping strategies are used by clinical psychologists? A figure summarises the main risk factors emerging from the literature which appear to be important mediators between the stressor and the psychological outcome variables. These are: (1) low job satisfaction; (2) low range of active coping strategies; (3) high use of avoidance coping strategies involving denial; (4) stressor not externalised and objectified; (5) stressor threatens other roles/relationships; (6) low experience in job; (7) no quality relationship with confidant(e)/poor quality relationship with partner; and (8) female.

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