
The static traversable wormhole should be made out of some type of exotic matter which satisfies the Morris-Thorne conditions. Although the characteristic size of the region with the exotic matter can be made arbitrary small, the calculations performed so far suggest that the Morris-Thorne conditions are quite restrictive and it is hard to find the matter with the desired properties. Traditionally, the quantized fields are considered as the best candidates because they can violate the weak-energy condition. In this paper we employ the Schwinger-DeWitt expansion to construct and examine the approximate stress-energy tensor of the quantized massive scalar (with an arbitrary curvature coupling), spinor and vector field in the spacetime of the Damour-Solodukhin wormhole. We find that for the scalar field there is a region in a parameter space in which the stress-energy tensor has the desired properties. That means that of the twenty-one cases considered so far (the seven types of the wormhole geometries and the three types of the massive fields) only in the four cases (for certain values of the parameters) the stress-energy tensor does satisfy the Morris-Thorne conditions.

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