
Formulation of the problem. Many structures today require floor structures to meet increased requirements for strength, span coverage and surface quality. Steelcrete structures often fit the bill. However, despite a long history of success, the industry is still not fully understood, in particular, the behavior of this structure in the early stages of construction is not unambiguous. Due to the impossibility of creating a composite section, various effects and a complex stress-strain state immediately arise in the time interval between the combination of different materials in space and the combination of different materials in the work. Thus, the stage of erection of a structure before it became reinforced concrete is of interest for a complete understanding of the mechanics of the work of composite sections. The purpose of the study is to investigate the features of the operation of the steelcrete sections at the stage of installation and operation, as a composite structure that combines the advantages and disadvantages of steel and concrete. As a result of the research, it was found that the study of the stress-strain state, which affects the circumstances, both at the operation stage and at the construction stage, is an important task for further understanding the work of reinforced concrete. , and increasing its durability. In particular, at the time of erection, a complex stress-strain state occurs, which can lead to unpredictable changes in shape. This state is unstable up to the inclusion of the concrete shelf of the reinforced concrete section in the work due to the hardening of concrete in the area of the anchors and its subsequent inclusion in work. These issues require further study in order to better understand the work of concrete and steel as a single composite material at various stages of the life cycle of structures.


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Модель Моноліт Плити

% від макс Е, МПа 0,033 0,167 0,333 1,667 3,333 16,670 33,330 50,000 66,660 83,330 100,000 0,033 0,167 0,333 1,667 3,333 16,670 33,330 50,000 66,660 83,330 100,000. Так, одні норми [4] рекомендують в остаточному прогині враховувати дію усадки, а інші для визначення підсумкового прогину настійно проти врахування розвантажувального впливу усадки бетону [7]. Початковий прогин від водонасиченої бетонної суміші, зворотний вигин і усадка спричинюють комплекс невідомих напружень у балці до моменту стабілізації бетону, яка настає, згідно з різними дослідженнями, приблизно через добу. Інше важливе питання ПДВ СЗБК − це робота анкерів і перерозподіл зсувних зусиль

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