
Tension and Life.- Tension and Stress.- Arousal of the Brain and Coping Mechanisms.- Civic Education in a Stressful Society: A Program of Value Clarity and Tension Reduction.- A Brief Analysis of Popularization of Progressive Relaxation in Japan.- Stress and Cardiovascular Disorders.- Emotional Stress Testing and Relaxation in Cardiac Rehabilitation.- Physical Activity, Mood and Anxiety in Normal and Post-Coronary Males.- Relaxation Training in the Treatment of Essential Hypertension.- We All Need Homeostasis.- Pain and Tension Control.- Diagnosis and Treatment of Myofascial Pain Arising from Trigger Points.- Holistic Strategies in the Management of Chronic Pain.- Tension in Dentistry.- Evolutionary Increase in Intelligence and the Perception of Stress in Dentistry.- Decision-Making: The Most Relevant Research of Our Time.- The Dental Distress Syndrome and Literature Availability.- Hypnotherapy in the Control of Stress, Anxiety and Fear in Dental Phobia.- Tension and Headaches.- Group Relaxation in the Treatment of Migraine, A Multifactorial Approach.- Self-Control of Tension Headache.- Tension and Psychiatry.- Preventive Psychiatry.- A Happy Conclusion of a Psychoanalytical Psychotherapy by Progressive Relaxation and Systematic Desensitization.- Tension and Anxiety.- Explanation of Anxiety Tension States.- Effects of Progressive Relaxation and Autogenic Training on Anxiety and Physiological Measures, with Some Data on Hypnotizability.- Tension and Biofeedback.- Biofeedback and Stress-Related Disorders: Enhancing Transfer and Gain Maintenance.- Tension and Stuttering.- Establishment of Fluent Speech in Stutterers.- Principles and Application of Tension Control.- Principles of Scientific Relaxation.- Tension Control Methods in Primary Health Care.- Relaxation Training--The Misunderstood and Misused Therapy.- How Children Learn the Skill of Tension Control.- Behavioral Health Change Through Tension Control Learning in Adult Education Classes.- Relaxation Techniques with the Blind.- Voluntary Control of the Involuntary Nervous System: Comparison of Autogenic Training and Siddha Meditation.- Experiments in Tension Control.- Tension Control: Differences Between Subjects Instructed in Progressive Relaxation or Placebo Control Sessions.- The Modification of the Hormonal and Metabolic Effects of Mental Stress by Physical Exercise.- The Life of Edmund Jacobson.- Edmund Jacobson--Pioneer and Father of Tension Control and Progressive Relaxation.

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