
If multiple holes in a member are sufficiently close together their individual stress fields interact. Stresses around each hole are then different than if only that hole were present. Structural strength can sometimes be enhanced by introducing auxiliary holes in the neighborhood of an original hole. Assessing structural integrity presupposes knowing the stresses. However, determining stresses in multiply-perforated finite components can be extremely challenging. Recognizing the above, stresses are determined in the neighborhood surrounding two colinear holes of different diameter in a finite, aluminum tensile plate from recorded load-induced thermal information. The line of holes is transverse to the direction of mechanical loading. Reliability is verified independently using finite elements and strain gages. However, the objective of the technique is for situations when finite element methods are not feasible, e.g., if the loading is inadequately known. The approach is applicable to structures fabricated from isotropic, orthotropic or functionally-graded materials and is not restricted to a specific hole arrangement, geometry or loading condition. In addition to being capable of providing stress concentrations in double-perforated finite structures as a function of hole spacing as previously available only for infinite members, concepts are extendable to optimization, non-mechanical loading or filled holes.

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