
This study is an effort to explore Stress among university students. The sample consisted of 50 BED (Bachelor of Education) students and 50 MBA (Master of Business Administration) students from Aligarh Muslim University Centre Murshidabad West Bengal, total 100 students. Normative survey method was used for the study. The study used convenient sampling method. The entitled title is “Stress among University students”. Stress is a universal phenomenon that affects each and every one of us. It plays a crucial role in our lives, as without it, we would lack the motivation and drive to achieve anything. However, when stress becomes overwhelming, it can have detrimental effects on our well-being. The key lies in finding the right balance of stress that pushes us out of our comfort zone and propels us forward. This delicate equilibrium is disrupted when the emotional and physical toll of negative experiences surpasses our body's capacity to cope with them. Excessive pressure and demands placed upon us can trigger adverse reactions, both mentally and physically. Our body's response to change necessitates adjustments on a physical, mental, and emotional level. In addition, other factors may also affect our stress levels. In the end, stress results from a person's perception that the demands made on them are greater than their personal and social resources.

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