
Summary1. The penetrability of streptomycin through the cornea may be increased by abrasion, inflammation, ion-transfer and wetting agents. 2. No local toxic effects were noted when saline solutions of streptomycin containing up to 10,000 μg per ml were used. With concentrations of 50,000 μg or as a dry powder, delayed healing occurred. 3. Intraocular injection, in amounts up to 1,000 μg of streptomycin in 0.1 ml saline were well tolerated. Smaller amounts (25 to 300 μg) were therapeutically effective up to 6 to 8 hours against a virulent strain of Str. pyogenes, though transient or negligible vitreous opacities occurred with these concentrations. 4. Experimental corneal ulcers produced by injection of B. pyocyaneus were prevented when treatment was started within 6 hours after inoculation by 3 applications at 2-hour intervals of a saline solution of streptomycin containing 10,000 μg per ml.

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