
AbstractThe waste management problem is still one of the focus areas that need to be addressed in developing countries. In order to overcome the problem, circular economy is potentially be applied, circular economy can be applied. Circular economy is an offered alternative to the traditional linear economy (make, use, dispose of). Economic actors keep resources in use as long as possible, derive maximum value from use, then create and regenerate products and materials at the end of each service life. Circular economy, as a system that will be implemented in developing countries, should consider a number of internal and external elements in order to decide the best approach for the implementation. Therefore, this research aims to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of waste management with circular economy principles in developing countries. A systematic review is used in this study on published 26 articles on waste management with circular economy principles, especially in developing countries. The result shows that many developing countries do not apply circular economy ideas in dealing with waste management problem. This study concludes that the circular economy brings a new approach to waste management and an incentive for future research that has great strengths and opportunities but also requires efforts to control the shortcomings and threats that are also posed in the implementation of this circular economy.

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