
Introduction.Humor as an element of the organizational system is relatively little studied in psychology, although humor is an important organizational resource, the skillful use of which can be helpful for organization managers in coping with work stress and promoting staff's psychological well-being.Aim: to find out the productivity of educational organization staff's humor styles and to determine the conditions for optimizing humor management in educational organizations. Methods.The author's questionnaire «Stress in Educators' Work and Communication», assessement questionnaires: «Methods of Assessment of Levels and Types of Sense of Humor»(I.S. Dombrovska,), «Self-assessment of Stress Resistance», «Coping Behavior in Stressful Situations»(E. Heim), «Test of Viability»(Muddy), content analysis of visual humorous content of educational sites and Facebook groups. Spearman's correlation analysis was used for statistical data processing.Results.The author has found a moderate relationship between the educational organization staff's humor style and stress copying, which allows defining a humor style focused on others as productive. The educational organization staff's self-humor with a hint of self-deprecation and staffʼs ability to passively perceive humor, did not associate with staffʼs stress coping. It has been found that educational organization staff uses mostly unproductive humor styles to overcome stress.Conclusion. The obtained findings offer a good possibility of training managers for conscious use of humorous interactions to reduce staff's work stress, given different effectiveness of different humor styles.


  • Introduction.Humor as an element of the organizational system is relatively little studied in psychology, humor is an important organizational resource, the skillful use of which can be helpful for organization managers in coping with work stress and promoting staff's psychological well-being

  • Results.The author has found a moderate relationship between the educational organization staff's humor style and stress copying, which allows defining a humor style focused on others as productive

  • It has been found that educational organization staff uses mostly unproductive humor styles to overcome stress

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Можливості та обмеження використання гумору персоналом освітніх організацій для опанування робочим стресом. Водночас саме гумор є одним з важливим організаційних ресурсів, уміле використання якого може стати у пригоді менеджменту організацій у стресоподоланні та забезпеченні психологічного благополуччя персоналу, Мета дослідження: з’ясувати продуктивність стилей гумору персоналу освітніх організацій, а також розкрити умови оптимізації менеджменту гумору в організаціях освіти. З’ясовано, що для стресоподолання персонал застосовує переважно непродуктивні стилі гумору. Отримані дані дозволяють говорити про можливість підготовки менеджера до свідомого застосування гумористичних інтеракцій для редукції робочого стресу у персоналу з врахуванням відмінностей у продуктивності типів гумору. Introduction.Humor as an element of the organizational system is relatively little studied in psychology, humor is an important organizational resource, the skillful use of which can be helpful for organization managers in coping with work stress and promoting staff's psychological well-being. Aim: to find out the productivity of educational organization staff's humor styles and to determine the conditions for optimizing humor management in educational organizations

Творча діяльність Спілкування з друзями Прогулянки на свіжому повітрі
Високий рівень Середній рівень Низький рівень
Загальний показник здатності до гумору
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