
Religion is one aspect that is integrated with the life of Indonesian society. To realize the era of society 5.0, religious moderation has an important role to maintain harmony between religious rights and national and religious obligations. One of them is for students in the campus environment, for example getting used to harmonious behavior in interacting with fellow friends in religious life. Religious moderation is the most perfect action in dealing with problems in various local areas that have religious diversity. Meanwhile, Islamic religious learning seeks to provide students with religious knowledge so that they have the willingness to learn and have faith and devotion to Allah SWT. The purpose of this study was to determine the importance of strengthening the value of religious moderation to improve the religious character of students in the era of society 5.0. This research method uses a qualitative approach. Meanwhile, there are 2 ways to collect the data, namely by document and observation, while the document is taken from several published journals and observation which is based on observations made in 4 places in the Tulungagung campus. In the era of society 5.0, with the existence of digitalization in all things, it is increasingly becoming a challenge for the realization of a complete understanding of religious moderation. Seeing this, it is necessary to have strategies and implementations that can be used as references so that religious moderation can be strengthened and developed in society in general and students in particular. The characters applied here are tawasuth, tawazun, i`tidal, tasamuh, musawah and shura. The implications of embedded PAI learning affect the character of students, especially the religious character of students and the absence of radical Islamic organizations in universities, and it is not allowed to cover the face (niqob ) for woman.

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