
Background: The linkage between teaching and research—also labelled the Teaching Research Nexus (TRN)—is the object of a recurrent debate in higher education. The debate centres on the nature of the interrelation, TRN benefits and challenges, concrete TRN strategies, and its impact on students and academics. Methods: Based on a systematic search of papers published between 2012 and 2022, a systematic review of review studies was conducted, building on articles from the Web of Science and Scopus. Results: From an initial 151 records, 14 fit the review inclusion/exclusion criteria. Goal and review questions: To provide researchers, teachers, and policy decision-makers with an overview of TRN in higher education based on available peer-reviewed review studies, this systematic review was driven by the following guiding questions: What are the conceptual developments in TRN definitions? What are the outcomes of experimental TRN interventions? What are the implementation challenges of TRN in higher education? What TRN implementation strategies have been adopted? Finally, what do the reviews stress as future directions for TRN? Brief conclusion: The review results helped identify patterns in TRN studies, practices, and directions for future TRN research in higher education.

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