
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the addition of FITOIMUN® made of acid shrimp extract (Solanum ferox) and key interviews (Boesenbergia pandurata) on survival, absolute weight growth, daily growth rate, feed conversion rate, and water quality parameters of the vandame shrimpsined in cement tanks. This study uses a complete random design (RAL) with 3 treatments and 3 repetitions. The doses of FITOIMUN® used in the treatment are 0 mL/kg (P0), 20 mL/kg (P1), and 24 mL (P2). The shell used is 20±0,5 g and is kept in a cement tank of 4.5 x 5.5 x 95 m2. The shrimp are treated with a feeding rate method with a frequency of four times a day. The results of the study show survival at P0, P1, and P2 doses of 100%. Absolute weight growth at P0 (7.41 g), P1 (7.69 g), and P2 (6.85 g). The daily growth rate is P0 (26.47%), P1 (27.48%), and P2 (24.46%), while feed conversion rates are P0 (1,16), P1, (1,14), and P2, respectively. (1,18). The water quality in this study averaged 26.92°C, pH 7.39, DO 6.33 ppm, and salinity 19.55 ppt. In conclusion, the survival rate with the administration of FITOIMUN® to shrimps in all treatments reached 100%; the application of Fitoimun® did not affect absolute weight growth, daily growth rate, or feed conversion rate but had the best value at P1 (20 mL/kg feed); and the water quality parameters in all treatments were still at the appropriate criteria for the life of the vaname shrimp.

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