
The purpose of the article: to consider the process of strengthening of political requirements, the radicalization of the student movement at universities in the under Russian Ukraine. In modern literature, in our opinion, such questions as the level of schism among students, in particular, the role of the so-called “Academics”, excessive radicalism in assessing professions, the negative impact on the left of radical left parties. Methods: historical-structural, paradigmal, etc. Main results. This article is devoted to the scientific analysis of student disorders in the universities of pre-revolutionary under Russian Ukraine (St. Vladimir University in Kyiv, Novorossiysk University in Odessa, Kharkov University) during the critical period of the 90’s of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries. Using the historical comparative system-structural research methods, an analysis of the evolution of student disorders was conducted during this period; the reasons for substantial changes were revealed. Comparing the students’ requirements of the 60’s when their demands were mostly connected with the academic points, protest movements even of such content became more catastrophic. For example, the Student Judicial Commission stated that it was illegal to award a scientific degree of Doctor of Chemistry to Professor I. P. Osipov, a well-known specialist of Kharkiv University on theoretical inorganic and organic chemistry (in particular, the thermo-chemistry of solution chemistry) in analytical chemistry and pharmacology, the expert on forensic expertise in cases of arsons and fakes. Similarly, the injustice a part of the students shown to Professor O. O. Einhelman (St. Vladimir University) petitioning in courts protecting rights of regular citizens, orphans and a future author of Ukraine Constitution project 1918. The third students’ congress in the beginning of 1896 firstly appeared the slogan of support for the working class. Events of February 1899 when security guards bitten students of Saint-Petersburg University became a kind of watershed after which the opportunity for effective dialogue between the authorities and students narrowed to the limit. Reasons for the rise of radicalism today are known domination of atheistic worldview of the most part of student youth, promotion of left parties, belief in socialism, as a panacea youth minimalism and intolerance to evolutionary politics falling family influence lack of an effective education system in universities. The Rules for students of 1895 forbidden student reading houses, kitchenettes, holding theatrical performances, balls. There were illegal public speeches, fraternity, cash fees, lithographic content of lectures without the permission of professors, etc. It was allowed to create a student’s family as an exception since May 18, 1898, but only with the consent of the director of educational establishment or rector. On the other hand system of material assistance to a poor student was operating; scholarship funds; practice; exemption from payment for studies; dormitories were built. These benefits were denied to Jew students that often made them the most active protesters. The Academic Council of Kharkiv University believed that the students’ disorders were due to the lack of a university professorial disciplinary court, which had disconnected from professors. Mention that after the assassination by student Karpovich the Minister of Education Bogolepov the government made concessions by adopting on December 22, 1901, “Provisional rules for the organization of student institutions in higher educational institutions”. Then on August 24, 1902, the provisional rules were approved for the activities of the professorial disciplinary court, which worked closely. Well, the influence of radical parties of students’ disbelief in the evolutionary principle of the development of disunity of “academics”, so called students who did not want to participate in disorders led to a new round of rebels. Thus, by the beginning of 1905, the students became a “flammable material” that took an active part in the revolutionary events of the beginning of the XX century. The practical significance of the article lies in the possibility of its use in the preparation of historical and pedagogical manuals. A certain originality is the widespread use of archival sources. Scientific novelty. For the first time, concrete examples show the mosaic complexity of student speeches, including those overly radical and largely deeply erroneous decisions that can be explained not only by the inexperience of young people, but also by the peculiarities of the then social and political situation. Type of article: descriptive-analytical.


  • Рада вважала за необхідне відмовитись від трактування студентів лише «окремими відвідувачами» університету

  • Судді мали право винести такі вердикти: зауваження, догана, позбавлення права присутності на курсових зборах чи виконувати обовязки старости; переведення зі студентів у статус вільного слухача терміном до півроку; моральний осуд; відрахування з університету без права вступу до іншого навчального закладу або з таким правом чи забороною вступати на певний термін; відрахування з університету без зазначення терміну або з умовою вступити до іншого університету до початку наступного навчального року (Временные правила о профессорском дисциплинарном суде..., 1902, сс. 2–7)

  • Проте 10 лютого студенти-­медики пятого курсу цього ж університету відмовились від складання державних іспитів, аргументуючи це тим, що в країні відбувалися дуже важливі події

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За правилами для студентів від 1895 р. Я. Фортінському вони пізніше заявили, що не покинуть стіни університету, доки не будуть ухвалені чіткі правила, які б упорядкували права поліції щодо студентів. Хоча вже 18 лютого Правління університету надало ректору список із 52 студентів на відрахування, ректор вважав, що таке рішення має ухвалювати Міністерство народної освіти. Через масовий страйк відрахували всіх студентів Харківського університету.

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