
In the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0, the defense sector must anticipate the development of digital technology, which has a major impact on the cybersecurity system and defense technology itself through strengthening defense resources. This study examines the strengthening of defense human resources through information technology at the Surabaya Navy Academy (AAL). Data collected through observation, interviews, documentation, and competency tests. The results show that strengthening is supported by human resources who have adequate competence, carefully arranged financing, complete teaching materials, use of two-way methods as needed, supported by complete facilities and infrastructure. The strengthening process supported by careful planning, implementation not only on the campus of the Naval Academy but also at other representative institutions. The implementation is monitored via CCTV and supervised by a lesson supervision officer who reports directly to the Governor of the Naval Academy. Evaluations are always carried out to get input to improve existing and ongoing activities. The output of strengthening, cadets of the Naval Academy can master information technology competencies with good values as expected. The conclusion is that the strengthening of AAL cadets through information technology has carried out following the objectives and has achieved the target of increasing the competence of Naval Academy cadets in the information technology field. Therefore, this program can be continued in the future by increasing the quality of its implementation.

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