
Now weightlifting is almost not used in school physical education, it is poorly studied and its health and educational potential is not involved, which determines the relevance of the research topic. There are many opponents of using weightlifting as a means of physical education and rehabilitation of teenagers and young men of school age. The paper task − dispelling this myth and proving reasonably that weightlifting can be effectively used as a means of strengthening health, shaping the needs of schoolchildren in a healthy lifestyle, the development of various physical qualities. Methods used: analysis and generalization of literary data, synthesis, classification, pedagogical observation, and control. Weightlifting training of teenagers and young men of school age, if to set before it goals of non-sports achievements, but improvement of the organism, development of its functions, formation of the personality should include three main types of means: general training exercises, basic exercises, additional means. The main condition for the provision of health effects by all these means is the rational organization of trainings and rational load on the body. Weightlifting is an effective means of fighting the sedentary way of life, strengthening the spine and the whole bone system of the body, reducing blood pressure and generally improving the functional state, improving metabolism, avoiding problems with the endocrine system, training both anaerobic and aerobic systems of the body. Many factors contribute to the forming a need for a healthy lifestyle: this is an improvement in state of health and mood, a qualitative change in the indices of physical activity, overall comfort, emotional balance, mobilization of the body’s functional reserves to overcome fatigue, improve the overall psychophysical status, positive emotions. As a result, there is a positive change in the reactions of the body of teenagers and young men to different irritants, the norm of cheerfulness and good mood during classes, expectations of new positive emotions in time intervals between trainings. The author draws a conclusion, according to which weightlifting exercises as a whole raise the interest in the values of physical culture and contributes to the formation of a healthy lifestyle of school pupils.

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