
Abstract. The family literacy strengthening program through Gerakan Ibu Mendongeng (the Mother Storytelling Movement) is aimed at improving the quality of the community's socio-cultural capital through family literacy activities that are in line with the efforts to strengthen family resilience and national character education. This activity is part of an empowerment program that specifically targets women and children in Tirtorahayu Village, Jogonalan Hamlet. The results of initial observations show that as many as 42.74% of the population in Tirtorahayu Village, Kapanewon Galur, Kulon Progo are still in the category of not completing elementary school, graduating from elementary school, and graduating from junior high school. However, interestingly, in Jogonalan Hamlet, community literacy activities, especially those related to Islamic aspects, have been going well. Nonetheless, studies that specifically focus on early childhood character education through storytelling activities have not occurred significantly. The implementation method includes the preparation stage, promotion of family literacy and Gerakan Ibu Mendongeng, promotion of some storytelling techniques, monitoring and evaluation of the movement activities by Teman Dongeng from the community service team, the inauguration of the Literacy Corner, and the mother’s storytelling stage. The results of the program showed an increase in family literacy activities through mother's storytelling activities for children, an increase in literacy activities for mothers in Posyandu (Integrated Service Post) through the literacy corner, and Ibu Mendongeng's performance on the literacy stage of the Jogonalan Hamlet community

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