
Indonesia is one of the countries that has experienced difficulties in implementing public policies, one of which is the implementation of the regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia No. 20 of 2018 concerning strengthening character education in formal education units at Public Primary School Pakong, Public Primary School Pakong 1 is a school that is very much a role model. for other schools at Public Primary School Pakong 1, but in fact children in Pakong sub-district have characters that are still less than the standard of good character, this can be seen from the way the children communicate, whose language is not appropriate for their age. Therefore this research was conducted. This type of research is descriptive qualitative. The theory he uses is the theory of public policy implementation from George Charles Edward III. With theoretical indicators, namely communication, resources, disposition, and bureaucratic structure. The results of this study are true that the implementation of the regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia No. 20 of 2018 concerning strengthening character education in formal education units at Public Primary School Pakong 1, Pakong District, Pamkeasan Regency. It can be seen from the four indicators of the theory of public policy implementation, namely the communication carried out is still not optimal, because the community and parents of students still do not understand about strengthening character education. Existing resources are also still lacking due to competent human resources but are not juxtaposed with complete facilities such as school fields, and prayer rooms. The disposition at Public Primary School Pakong 1 is also still lacking, this can be seen from the desire of the implementers in the implementation of strengthening character education to be carried out only with minimal standards and not maximized. The bureaucratic structure at Public Primary School Pakong1 is good but still requires strengthening and consistency from each implementer.

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