
Distortional buckling mode of cold-formed steel thin-walled member is an unstable behavior, and in some cases it may govern the load-carrying capacity of the member. The source, evolution and performance of the formulas and test data for the two strength design curves developed by Hancock are studied, for predicting the load-carrying capacity in the distortional mode. A proposed strength design curve based on available test data and Hancock׳s strength design curves are then compared with the current design methods, the Direct Strength Method and the Effective Width Method, which are incorporated in the “North American specification for the design of cold-formed steel structural members” (AISI-NAS: 2007), “cold-formed steel structures” (AS/NAS 4600: 2005), and the Chinese “Technical specification for low-rise cold-formed thin-walled steel buildings” (JGJ 227-2011). The results indicate that the current design standards adopted the two strength design curves for the DSM and EWM, but they have some differences at the partial extent. A novel formula is proposed for dealing with this problem. The range of applicability of the proposed strength equation is extended from that in AS/NZS 4600 and is shown to be more accurate than AS/NZS 4600 when compared with that in the NAS S100.

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