
AbstractThe strength and deformation behavior of jointed rock was examined in the context of the design of slopes, construction of tunneling, and mining projects due to the presence of natural hair cracks, fissures, bedding planes, faults, etc. Dolomite rock from Gujarat is used for experimental study to find the shear parameters of proposed rock mass matrix. A different rock matrix is formed with providing the vertical and horizontal cuts in different patterns. A different matrix includes the following vertical cuts, two vertical cuts (perpendicular to each other) passing from center of specimen, three vertical cuts (each at every 60°) passing through center of specimen, and four vertical cuts in grid pattern. With above vertical cuts also all specimens were cut in horizontal plane at every (I) 1/6 of height, (II) 1/3 of height, and (III) 1/2 of height. A different matrix is tested using rock triaxial system. The strength behavior was studied using Hoek–Brown strength theory and Mohr–Coulomb strength theory. Results were compared with intact rock and various jointed rock matrix specimens. Orientation of rock matrix shows little increase in cohesion value and decrease in angle of internal friction with increase in number of joints in vertical direction. The typical failure/deformation pattern was observed in jointed rock matrix specimens such as axial failure, block rotation, splitting of blocks through joints, and shear failure.KeywordsDolomiteRock matrixShear parametersFailure criteriaTriaxial system

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