
Traffic sign frame has to be safe, reliable, and withstand the loads to which it can be exposed during exploitation. This type of product strength is determined by the calculations and tests, which are described in the standards. Prior to the production of a prototype, it is useful to perform strength analysis, using analytical or numerical methods. The article presents the analysis of the existing frame lightening and the strength of lightened frames, using computer-aided design and analysis programs. The analysis showed that the model of this type of product can be lightened, but not all frames can withstand the loads.The paper has been prepared on the basis of G. Gedrimas’ Master Thesis.


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  • Projektavimo ir įrengimo taisyklės, [interaktyvus] [žiūrėta 2021-01-21]

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Artūras Sabaliauskas

Kad tokio tipo gaminių modelis gali būti lengvinamas, tačiau ne visos konstrukcijos atlaiko apkrovas. Traffic sign frame has to be safe, reliable, and withstand the loads to which it can be exposed during exploitation. This type of product strength is determined by the calculations and tests, which are described in the standards. Panašūs į dabar naudojamus, atsirado 1870‒1880 m. Kelio ženklo rėminės konstrukcijos stiprumo tyrimas dideliems dviračiams [1]. Tyrimui pasirinkta kelio ženklo rėminė konstrukcija, kuri gali būti sudaryta iš įvairaus profilio strypų, suvirintų į atskirus segmentus (elementus). Skaitinis konstrukcijos stiprumo tyrimas atliktas taikant programą AUTODESK INVENTOR FRAME ANALYSIS ir AUTODESK FLOW DESIGN. Gedrimo magistrinio darbo pagrindu [9]

Kelio ženklo atramos skaitinio modelio sudarymas
Apvalus Kampuotis
Atsargos koeficientas
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