
An urban Bandung in West Java that has a dense population recorded in 2014 the population of the Bandung City totaled 2,483,977 people, the impact of these conditions were increasingly heavy burden of the city facing a very complex and complicated with a variety of problems such as pollution, population density, urbanization, urban transport, and complex problems are not well-organized and the city as a result of uncontrolled growth of street vendors .this research is focused on the presence of street vendors which is a business group structure bottom in the levels of world trade. The existence of street vendors is actually not a problem when they follow the norms and provisions of applicable law, but reality shows, the informal sector of the city has been denying a number of norms and regulations applicable law. In the juridical-sociological study of these conditions shows that the growth and development of street vendors are not always followed by the arrangement and law enforcement that gave birth to deviant behavior (deviation). Therefore, this research is intended to describe and analyze the influence of the attitude of street vendors to law enforcement officials and motivation vendors against deviant behavior of street vendors in the city of Bandung. While the methods used in this research are an explanatory survey emphasis on efforts to obtain information about a phenomenon at the time of the research conducted so as to get the findings of the attitude of street vendors, work motivation to the damned law enforcement affect the deviant behavior of street vendors in the form of violation of norms or regulations in Bandung.

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