
AbstractFailure to share data successfully and quickly results in the waste of scientific resources as experiments are erroneously repeated or future resources are misallocated. Successful data sharing maximizes prior public and private investment of time, personal and cost in AD trials. To date, training resources regarding general regulatory requirements for managing data are widely available, however trainings addressing common logistical and administrative decision‐making and providing administrative strategies in the context of data sharing by AD trial teams and sponsoring partners are rare or too rigid to be broadly applicable. A widely available and well‐known training and education resource will provide a coherent systematic approach for multi‐stakeholder research projects that intend to share data publicly. Such projects are at increased risk of delay or mismanagement and a cohesive effort to generate flexible, streamlined modules offering repeatable solutions for multi‐stakeholder AD research data sharing would benefit the research team as well as the requesting investigators. AD research staff should rapidly develop familiarity and a common understanding of the practices and policies of data sharing so that this aspect of research similarly streamlined to other research practices such as informed consent, data privacy, etc. Attendees will participate in a discussion establish a priori principles for charting a course for establishing broad competence in data sharing by combining principles of scientific rigor with a synthesis of best practices for logistical, scientific, and regulatory workflows.

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