
The streaming potential, defined as the transepithelial potential appearing in the presence of an osmotic water flow, was measured in rabbit kidney proximal convoluted tubules perfused in vitro. The S2 segments studied were dissected from mid-cortical and juxtamedullary portions of the kidney and the streaming potential induced by the addition of raffinose in bath was compared for each tubule with the diffusion potential corresponding to an imposed NaCl gradient in the absence of osmotic gradient. The amplitude of the measured streaming potential was found to vary from positive to negative values (+0.9 to -1.8 mV) according to the location of the dissected tubule: the more juxtamedullary the nephron, the more lumen negative was the streaming potential. This correlated well with the diffusion potentials recorded on the same tubules and the amplitude of the streaming potentials was a close function of the PNa/PCl ratios calculated from these diffusion potentials. This is in agreement with the hypothesis of solute polarization in an unstirred layer as the origin of the streaming potential; a calculation of hydraulic permeability (Pf) of the proximal tubule, taking the role of such an unstirred layer into consideration is proposed.

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