
Abstract To simplify selection of target species for instream flow studies, 114 fish species–life stage combinations in six Minnesota streams were assigned membership in six habitat-preference guilds based on the habitat type supporting their highest densities. Shallow pools (<60 cm deep and velocities <30 cm/s) were preferred by most of the young-of-the-year fishes. Slow riffles (<60 cm deep and velocities 30–59 cm/s) were preferred by stonerollers Campostoma spp.; spawning sand shiners Notropis stramineus; adult river shiners N. blennius; juvenile, spawning, and age-0 suckers (Moxostonta spp., northern hog sucker Hypentelium nigricans, and white sucker Catostomus commersoni); and most age-0 darters (Etheostoma flabellare, E. nigrum, E. caeruleum, and Percina phoxocephala). Fast riffles (< 60 cm deep and velocities ≥60 cm/s) were preferred by adult longnose dace Rhinichthys cataractae and most adult and spawning darters (Percina spp. and Etheostoma spp.). Raceways (60–149 cm deep and velocities ≥30 cm/s)...

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