
Abstract North Carolina is experiencing a revitalization of the strawberry industry due to the adoption of plasticulture technologies and the California cultivar ‘Chandler,’ which produces excellent yields and fruit quality on black plastic mulch. With this system berries can be harvested in just 7 to 8 months after planting. The spring harvest season can last up to 6 weeks in most years. Strawberry plasticulture growers in North Carolina typically experience yields of 17,000 to 18,000 lbs/acre (19,054 to 20,174 kg/ha). Cash expenses for the system are approximately $4345/acre ($10,736/ha). The system requires both an overhead sprinkler system for blossom and bud frost/freeze protection, and drip irrigation for supplying water and fertilizer in the prebloom, bloom and fruiting periods. Sandy loam and clay loam soils are ideal for forming the 10-inch-high (25.4 cm) beds with bedding machines. Usually 33% of the N, 50% of the K and all of the P is applied preplant with the remaining N and K being applied th...

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