
The Permo-Triassic basement rocks form the basis of the study area, which is located on the North Anatolian Fault and immediate vicinity of the Erbaa District on the north. The primary covering units overlying the basement rocks consist of a thick deposit, deposited in the depression in front of the Eurasian continent during the Liassic-Upper Eocene time interval. The first cover units, unconformably overlying the basic rocks, are overlaid by conglomerate, sandstone, mudstone, marl and oolitic limestones and Lower-Middle Jurassic rocks composed of volcano-clastic rocks, Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous aged neritic and pelagic clayey limestones, the Santonian-Campanian aged sedimentary rocks in the pyroclastic character accompanied by the volcanic-volcanosedimentary rocks formed by the submarine volcanic activity in the Upper Cenomanian, Maestrichtian-Paleocene sandy limestones, Lower-Middle Eocene conglomerate, volcanogenic sandstone, sandy limestone and nummulites limestones and Upper Eocene basalt, pillow lavas, andesite, tuff, tuffite, aglomera, sandstone and siltstone intercalation unconformably. Secondary cover units, composed of loosely adhered conglomerates and sandstones that collapse during terrestrial atmospheric conditions in depressions formed along the North Anatolian Fault zone, are covered by the Quaternary aged alluvium, slope rubble and deposit cones, which constitute the youngest units of the study area.

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