
We present palynological results from the northern sector of the Pulo do Lobo Domain, combining sections studied in Portugal and Spain. A total of 139 samples were studied, of which 56 are positive for palynology. The first age determination for the Pulo do Lobo Formation was achieved, indicating a mid-Frasnian age (Verrucosisporites bulliferus and Pustulatisporites rugulatus). The sediments of Peramora Mélange (Spain) yielded the same palyno-assemblage as that of the Pulo do Lobo Fm. and are interpreted as a part of this formation. The Ribeira de Limas Fm. also yielded mid-Frasnian miospore assemblages, indicating the same age as the Pulo do Lobo Fm. The Santa Iria and Horta da Torre formations present spore assemblages assigned to the late Famennian in both Portugal and Spain. The phyllites interbedded with the quartzites of the Alájar Mélange yielded a palyno-assemblage late Famennian in age that can be correlated to the Horta da Torre Fm. Therefore, the Alájar quartzites are interpreted as a lateral equivalent of the Horta da Torre Fm. in Spain. The palynological results obtained for the units of the northern sector of the Pulo do Lobo Domain are highly consistent and in agreement with stratigraphic mapping and structural interpretations. A detailed discussion of the palynological versus geochronological ages based on detrital zircons is included in this study. The palynological results and their comparison with the worldwide Upper Devonian palynological record suggest a close affinity with NW European palynofloras, placing the Pulo do Lobo Domain within the Avalonian paleobiogeographical province.

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