
The hemipelagic domain of the ancient southern continental margin of Iberia is home to a strongly condensed pelagic succession (6–15 cm thick) characterized by the presence of phosphate stromatolites. This succession, probably generated in the slope of the continental margin, records a period of some 9 Ma, corresponding to the latest Maastrichtian to Late Thanetian interval. A microstratigraphical analysis allows for characterizing and biostratigraphically dating six successive developmental stages in the succession, which outline the main environmental evolution of the depositional setting. The first of them determined the generation of a submarine hardground during the latest Maastrichtian to earliest Danian interval. The other five are represented by five successive microstratigraphical, unconformity-bounded, genetic units, respectively Early–Middle Danian, Late Danian–Early Selandian, intra-Selandian, Late Selandian–Early Thanetian, and Middle–?Late Thanetian in age. The three oldest units are characterized by the accretion of phosphate stromatolites, favoured by very low rates of pelagic sedimentation and by a microbially mediated extra input of phosphate. The two youngest units are dominated by carbonate deposition, which has always taken place at very low rates. Condensed sedimentation was abruptly interrupted at the end of the Palaeocene (?latest Thanetian), when the condensed succession and its hosting substrate were gravitationally slumped and re-deposited at the base of the slope in the form of a mega-debris flow that can be now observed in Sierra de Aixorta (Alicante, SE Spain). The Aixorta pelagic phosphatic stromatolites are among the youngest ever described, and their existence suggests that the oceanographic conditions necessary for their development prevailed during most of the Palaeocene, but disappeared during the Late Selandian, never to return.

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