
A lithostratigraphic scheme is erected for the Lower Carboniferous to Triassic sediments of the Wandel Sea Basin, from Lockwood Ø in the west to Holm Land in the east. The scheme is based on the subdivision into the Upper Carboniferous - Lower Permian Mallemuk Mountain Group and the Upper Permian - Triassic Trolle Land Group. In addition the Upper Carboniferous Sortebakker Formation and the Upper Permian Kap Kraka Formation are defined. Three formations and four members are included in the Mallemuk Mountain Group. Lithostratigraphic units include: Kap Jungersen Formation (new) composed of interbedded limestones, sandstones and shales with minor gypsum - early Moscovian; Foldedal Formation composed of interbedded limestones and sandstones -late Moseovian to late Gzhelian; Kim Fjelde Formation composed of well bedded Iimestones - late Gzhelian to Kungurian. The Trolle Land Group includes three formations: Midnatfjeld Formation composed of dark shales, sandstones and limestones - Late Permian; Parish Bjerg Formation composed of a basal conglomeratic sandstone overlain by shales and sandstones - ?Early Triassic (Scythian); Dunken Formation composed of dark shales and sandstones - Triassic (Scythian-Anisian). The Sortebakker Formation (new) is composed of interbedded sandstones, shales and minor coal of floodplain origin. The age is Early Carboniferous. The Kap Kraka Formation (new) includes poorly known hematitic sandstones, conglomerates and shales of Late Permian age.


  • A lithostratigraphic scheme is erected for the Lower Carboniferous to Triassic sediø ments of the Wandel Sea Basin, from Lockwood in the west to Holm Land in the east

  • Three formations and four members are included in the Mal1emukMountain Group

  • The Trolle Land Group includes three formations: Midnatfjeld Formation composed of dark shales, sandstones and limestones - Late Permian; Parish Bjerg Formation composed of a basal conglomeratic sandstone overlain by shales and sandstones - ?Early Triassic (Scythian); Dunken Formation composed of dark shales and sandstones - Triassic (Scythian-Anisian)

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Lars Stemmerik and Eckart Håkansson

A lithostratigraphic scheme is erected for the Lower Carboniferous to Triassic sediø ments of the Wandel Sea Basin, from Lockwood in the west to Holm Land in the east. The scheme is based on the subdivision into the Upper Carboniferous - Lower Permian Mallemuk Mountain Group and the Upper Permian - Triassic Trolle Land Group. The Kap Kraka Formation (new) includes poorly known hematitic sandstones, conglomerates and shales of Late Permian age. The Iithostratigraphic scheme proposed here encompasses all sediments of Carboniferous to Triassic age in the Wandel Sea Basin from Lockwood ø in the far west to Holm Land in the south-east 2) is erected to cover a lower Carboniferous sequence of continental sediments underlying the Mallemuk Mountain Group in southern Holm Land and the Kap Kraka Formation The Sortebakker Formation (fig. 2) is erected to cover a lower Carboniferous sequence of continental sediments underlying the Mallemuk Mountain Group in southern Holm Land and the Kap Kraka Formation (fig. 2) is introduced to include an Upper Permian continental sequence in the Harder Fjord Fault Zone near Midtkap (fig. 1)

Previous work
Henrik Krojer Holme
Kim Fjelde Formation Foldedal Formation Kap Jungersen Formation
Ingolf Fjord Member new Illemocr
ParisIl Bjerg Formation
Dllnken FormlltiOfl
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