
Abstract. Only a few Quaternary deposits of the periglacial area in Germany can be described in paleoecological or palynological - and therefore climatostratigraphical - terms. This paper provides a supplementary description of the most important (bio)stratigraphical terms relating to the warm and cold stages of the Lower and Middle Pleistocene, especially those allowing correlations with the glaciated regions of northern and southern Germany (e.g. in STEPHAN & MENKE 1993; Litt et al., this volume). The chronostratigraphical subdivision into Lower, Middle and Upper Pleistocene is based on the Stratigraphical Table of Germany 2002 (STD 2002) and on the climatostratigraphical regional division into cold and warm stages for continental northwestern Europe and Germany (LITT et al. 2005), which follows the traditional positioning of the Pliocene/Pleistocene boundary at the transition between the Reuverian and Pretiglian stages (Zagwijn 1960). According to international agreement on the location of the GSSP at Vrica (Italy), the sections of the Pretiglian stage and the Tiglian Complex belong to the Gelasian, which is still assigned to the Pliocene. The Gelasian/Calabrian boundary was set at about 1.8 million years at the Vrica section at the top of the Olduvai magnetozone and therefore represents the internationally agreed base of the Pleistocene. The practical value of this boundary – which does not take prior major climatic events into account – has been a matter of controversy. By international consensus, the boundary between the Lower and Middle Pleistocene has been set at the palaeomagnetically defined Brunhes/Matuyama boundary at 780 ka; the Upper Pleistocene begins with the last interglacial, the Eemian stage (MIS 5e).


  • A few Quaternary deposits of the periglacial area in Germany can be described in paleoecological or palynological - and climatostratigraphical - terms

  • This paper provides a supplementary description of the most importantstratigraphical terms relating to the warm and cold stages of the Lower and Middle Pleistocene, especially those allowing correlations with the glaciated regions of northern and southern Germany

  • The chronostratigraphical subdivision into Lower, Middle and Upper Pleistocene is based on the Stratigraphical Table of Germany 2002 (STD 2002) and on the climatostratigraphical regional division into cold and warm stages for continental northwestern Europe and Germany (LITT et al 2005)

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Stratigraphische Begriffe für das Quartär des Periglazialraums in Deutschland

Einleitung: Nur wenige quartäre Vorkommen des Periglazialraums Deutschlands lassen sich paläoökologisch, respektive palynologisch und damit klimatostratigraphisch beschreiben. Die chronostratigraphische Gliederung in Unter-, Mittel- und Oberpleistozän erfolgt in Anlehnung an die Stratigraphische Tabelle von Deutschland 2002 (STD 2002), der klimatostratigraphisch begründeten regionalen Gliederung in Kalt- und Warmzeiten für das kontinentale Nordwesteuropa bzw. Deutschland (LITT et al 2005), wobei hiernach der traditionellen Pliozän/Pleistozän-Grenzziehung im Bereich des biostratigraphischen Reuver/Prätiglium (ZAGWIJN 1960) gefolgt wird. Die Abschnitte des Prätiglium und des Tiglium-Komplexes fallen nach internationaler Festlegung auf das Profil Vrica (Italien) als Grenzstratotyp in das Gelasium, das noch dem Pliozän zugeordnet wird. 1,8 Millionen Jahren festgelegt und stellt dieser internationalen Festlegung folgend die Untergrenze des Pleistozäns dar. Die Grenze zwischen Unter- und Mittelpleistozän wird im internationalen Konsenz an die paläomagnetisch definierte Brunhes/Matuyama-Grenze bei 780 ka gelegt, das Oberpleistozän beginnt mit dem letzten Interglazial, der Eem-Warmzeit (MIS 5e)

Stratigraphical Terms for the Quaternary of the Periglacial Area in Germany
Stephanorhinus hundsheimensis Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis
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