
Grey shale Member of the Dalmiapuram Formation, Ariyalur Group, Cauvery Basin, India was studied for its stratigraphic position, age, and paleobathymetry with a re-look into the lithological relationship and foraminifer assemblages in the deepened limestone mine excavations at M/s Dalmia Cements, Dalmiapuram. Twenty grey shale samples from Kovandankurchchi (pit-4) and Kallakkudi mines yielded diversified calcareous, benthic, and rare index planktic foraminifera. The foraminiferal assemblages suggest a latest Albian age and middle neritic depositional conditions. The abundance of kaolinite and smectite clay minerals relate to warm/humid climate which corroborate with rising relative sea level during grey shale deposition. The grey shale occurs in patches within the marl bedded limestone member which exhibits cyclic deposition of limestone and marl. The limestone mine sections demonstrate that the grey shale forms part of basal marl bedded limestone, directly overlying the coral algal limestone. The present study demonstrates that the grey shale outcrops in Dalmiapuram Formation should be placed stratigraphically as part of marl bedded limestone. The member status for grey shale which is current usage stands discounted.

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