
This study integrates ichnological and sedimentological data to refine depositional sequences and interpretations of sea-level dynamics for the shallow marine, Albian–Cenomanian Aitamir Formation in northeastern Iran. Three ichnofabrics are present in a succession of glauconitic mudstone and sandstone. This is a sequence that grades upward from a lower glauconitic sandstone unit with trough cross-stratification, hummocky and ripple cross-lamination into a fining-up unit of mudstone with intercalated sandstone beds. The lower unit contains an ichoassemblage of the Ophiomorpha–Palaeophycus ichnofabric (upper shoreface), whereas the upper unit bears ichnoassemblages of the Thalassinoides ichnofabric (in a distinctive level at the top cycle which demarcates the base of the next cycle) (middle shoreface) and the Chondrites–Planolites ichnofabric (lower shoreface). An upper shoreface–lower shoreface trend from the Ophiomorpha–Palaeophycus ichnofabric to the Chondrites–Planolites ichnofabric represents a deepening-upward sequence. An integrated sedimentological and ichnological approach has allowed the recognition of the internal organization of the sequence and the characterization of significant discontinuity surfaces at sequence scales. Thalassinoides ichnofabric reveals colonization of firmgrounds during prolonged times between erosion and deposition related to transgressive surfaces. Transgressive surfaces (sequence boundaries) are generally well-cemented and marked by increased glauconite content, and densely crowded, predominantly vertical or oblique, relatively large, very distinct, unlined, and uncompacted burrows (omission suite) and are associated with rare highly abraded and fragmented shell remains.

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