
AbstractA 1: 500 000 scale geological map covering large parts of the northwest Pakistan-southeast Afghanistan border region between 31–34° N and 69–71° E has been compiled. The map covers the tribal areas of Kurram and of North and South Waziristan in Pakistan, where the map is based on unpublished data of the Federally Administered Tribal Areas Development Corporation. The map area comprises Precambrian crystalline rocks of the Indian and Kabul blocks, Permian to Quaternary sedimentary rocks, and the Late Cretaceous-Palaeocene Kabul-Altimur and Zhob-Waziristan-Khost ophiolite complexes. The Himalayan collision resulted in extrusion of the Kabul Block along the Chaman Fault system and formation of the Katawaz Basin which was filled with clastic deposits of the ‘Early-Indus’ fan. Ongoing contractional tectonics led to southward thrusting of the Spinghar Indian crystalline basement over the Miocene Murree Formation. New names and type sections are proposed for six units in the Spinghar and South Waziristan. These units are the Daradar Dolomite, Spinghar Quartzite, Sikaram Series, Makai Limestone, Wana Schist and Kaniguram Slates.

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