
The Ste. Genevieve Limestone (Mississippian) in Putnam County, Indiana, was deposited on a southwestward-sloping ramp in the northeastern portion of the Illinois basin. This portion of the Ste. Genevieve Limestone is divided into three members which, in ascending order, are the Fredonia, the Spar Mountain, and the Levias. The Fredonia Member appears to be homogeneous biomicrite on out-crop, but petrographic analysis reveals mottling and distinguishable pellets and is classified as pelbiosparite. Storm deposits are observed and typically are composed of fossil hash zones (biopelsparite) overlain by calcitic shale layers. Bioclasts consist of stenohaline forms with foraminifera, echinoderms, and bryozoans predominant. The gray-green shale layers represent punctuated terrigenous influx in this shallow restricted shelf. The Spar Mountain Member is commonly cross-bedded calcarenite but commonly lacks the quartz and is oolitic-pelbiosparite. The dominant particle types are quartz-centered ooids, peloids, and echinoderm fragments. Relatively high energy conditions and herringbone-cross-beds suggest deposition of a shoal with tidal current influence. The Levias Member is thin-bedded biopelsparite which represents shallow shelf deposition. The Bryantsville Breccia Bed varies in thickness across the study area and marks the top of the Levias Member. Oolitic-biopelsparite centimeter-sized clasts are contained in a matrix of similar material, suggesting an intraformational modemore » of origin, possibly a collapse breccia. Two incomplete shoaling-upward cycles are present in this Ste. Genevieve sequence. The lower portion of each cycle is pelbiosparite/biopelsparite overlain by oolitic-pelbiosparite and/or calcarenite.« less

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