
Investigations were carried out in June–August 2012 and 2013 in broadleaf forests and planted stands of the northern red oak Quercus rubra in Kiev. The ant visitation rates of 3–6 most abundant plant species within each vegetation layer were analyzed. In all, 16 species of ants were found in the broadleaf forest (Quercus robur + Acer spp. + Carpinus betulus), with the dominance of three species: Formica rufa, Lasius fuliginosus, and L. emarginatus. Eight ant species occurred in Q. rubra stands with the undergrowth of Acer campestre and A. platanoides; the dominant species were Lasius fuliginosus and L. emarginatus. The northern red oak stands with conspecific undergrowth had only four ant species with no dominants among them. Plants with the highest ant visitation rates in the herbage layer of the broadleaf forest were the invasive Impatiens parviflora and the native Aegopodium podagraria. Ants were rare or absent on the remaining herbs: Impatiens noli-tangere, Carex sylvatica, Stellaria holostea, and Galium odoratum. The herbage layer was mostly visited by influents, the dominants being represented only by Lasius emarginatus. Within the shrub layer, ants most frequently visited the undergrowth of the maple Acer platanoides, often harboring colonies of the aphid Periphyllus lyropictus; the highest visitation rates were recorded in the dominants L. emarginatus and L. fuliginosus. The arboreal layer had the highest visitation rate and was most often visited by the dominants Lasius fuliginosus, L. emarginatus, and F. rufa. The common oak Q. robur was the most visited tree in broadleaf forests. In addition to providing ants with food (colonies of the aphids Lachnus roboris and Stomaphis quercus, and also phytophagous insects and other invertebrates), these trees were used for nesting by the dominants L. fuliginosus and L. emarginatus. The presence of aphid colonies was also typical of ripe trees and undergrowth of the maple A. platanoides, the second-visited tree in broadleaf forests. The common hornbeam Carpinus betulus was the least frequently visited, though some ant species, usually L. emarginatus, nested in the trunks and branches of old trees. The vertical distribution of ants in broadleaf forests and red oak stands formed two clusters: the influents occupied the lower (herbage and shrub) vegetation layers, while the subdominants and dominants occupied the upper (shrub and arboreal) ones. The smallest number of ant species (1 or 2) in all the vegetation layers was recorded in the areas with F. rufa; areas with L. fuliginosus had twice as many species; the greatest numbers of ant species were found in the areas with L. emarginatus and in those without dominants. This pattern may result from different territoriality of the dominants: the strongest in F. rufa (defending the whole territory) and the weaker in the other two species (defending only a part of the territory). Plants of all the vegetation layers varied in their attractiveness to ants. As a result, the layers had a mosaic structure in their vertical (between-layer) and horizontal (between different plant species within one layer) arrangement. From 60 to 100% of plants of certain species were visited by ants while plants of other species were not visited at all. The main reason for visiting plants by ants was the presence of aphid colonies.

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