
Contemporary transformation of the economic and social system requires changes in approach to its analysis and in management of its development. At the same time, in the author’s opinion, there is no need to keep the traditional approach based on the neoliberal theory and methodology. For Russia, the Chinese experience is more suitable, based on the dosed and proportional combination of elements of market-based and planned models of economy management. It is precisely this approach that delivers sustainable technological, economic and social development, in process of which the tasks of qualitative renewal of all fields of public life are solved. And in addition, the central focus is made in the development of high-tech industries, which are becoming a core of an economic and social system being renewed. This requires top-priority development of fundamental science, culture and education, as well as the return of the state into capitalist process, to the direct public administration of a number of development spheres, active support of state and public-private high-tech corporations. The basis of the development is technological advance. It also changes in new conditions. A new quality of industrialized production is observed. It is knowledge-intensive production, for which not only a speed-up is typical, but also a speed-up of speed-up of technological development. Today, Russia solves tasks not only in industrialization or reindustrialization: such tasks will be mostly solved anytime soon; but also is facing the task of creating the basis of the new industrial society of the second generation (NIS.2), a society where knowledge takes the leading role. The latter means the priority of knowledge-intense production united with science and education. Hence, a necessity arises to integrate those three spheres within the frame of united reproduction contour on all levels: mirco-, meso- and macroeconomics. To solve this task, an active industrial policy and strategic planning are essential, together with the activity of private funds and orientation to social interests of public sector. Author has explored and elaborately describes in details a toolset necessary for that in the article.

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