
HIV epidemic in Ukraine remains a nationwide problem. The current epidemiological situation does not yet give grounds to talk about a significant decrease in the load associated with HIV/AIDS in Ukraine. Predicting the further spread of the epidemic throughout the country is becoming more and more complicated due to the crisis socio-economic phenomena and the deterioration of the situation in the eastern regions of Ukraine.
 Objective — to substantiate the ways of optimization of monitoring, diagnosis and treatment of HIV infection as the basis for a strategy of overcoming the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the public health system in Ukraine; expanding treatment of HIV-infected patients using modern approaches and standards; volumes and algorithms of cooperation of specialists from different branches in the provision of treatment services to patients with skin diseases and sexually transmitted infections.
 Materials and methods. We analyzed: 1) documents of international policy in the field of public health; 2) the latest changes in the documents of the state policy in the field of health care of Ukraine; 3) international strategies and approaches to overcoming the HIV epidemic; 4) WHO strategies for applying public health approaches to tackling the HIV epidemic; 5) the dynamics of the incidence of skin and venereal diseases in Ukraine and the virtual creation of an epidemiological situation in the absence of integrative relations between individual health care services; 6) modeling and forecasting with account of all available relevant data as an important source of information for monitoring national and global HIV epidemics, as well as managing the prevention and treatment programs.
 Results and discussion. Based on the review of statistical information, key directions are presented for further strengthening of the system of monitoring and evaluation to strengthen the control over the HIV epidemic in Ukraine, as well as optimize specific treatment. At the present stage of the implementation of medical reforms, final revision and improvement are required of existing strategies and policies for organizing a response to the HIV epidemic in Ukraine, as well as the search for new ways and tools that can be mobilized in the health care system by increasing the efficiency of the use of existing resources, introducing new forms of management and coordination of actions.
 Conclusions. Bringing national standards in line with the best world practices in the field of HIV counteraction contributes to the effective planning of the need for specific therapy in order to ensure a sustainable response to the HIV epidemic in Ukraine, the use of a «treat all» approach with effective and safe antiretroviral therapy. The optimization is based on the principles of public health as having the highest priority and effectiveness in comparison with individual approaches to the prevention, treatment and support of people with chronic diseases. The principle of maintaining balanced treatment regimens helps to reduce dependence on donor funding in the context of limited resources in Ukraine, as well as ensure the achievement of Fast track goals and adherence to the UNAIDS strategy.

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