
Today feature of economic processes in Ukraine is the transition from “traditional” to the digital economy with the latest technology. The study of the current state of the digital economy indicates that most Ukrainian companies don’t have a clear vision of the process and quality examples of the transition to the use of digital technologies yet. This is significantly impedes the fulfillment of key priorities and directions for the implementation of state policy in the digital economy in Ukraine. Therefore, businesses need to develop strategies based digital transformation minimization of risks is not possible without ensuring digital security, based on functional components that determine the effectiveness and efficiency of management mechanism. The purpose of the article is to formulate the author’s approach to determining the digital security of the enterprise and priority areas of its implementation. The article defines the strategic approach of the features of digital transformation and the problematic issues that hinder the revision of the business strategy of most Ukrainian enterprises. A methodological approach to the definition of “digital enterprise security” is proposed – it is the security of the functional components of the enterprise in the course of economic activity in the conditions of digitalization and competition; measures and methods aimed at minimizing the external and internal risks of e-business, as well as ensuring the security of functional components. The main purpose of the enterprise digital security is to ensure the stable functioning of the business with further development in the future, which is based on the structure of its functional components. The mechanism for implementation of digital security of the enterprise is defined, which includes: regulatory legislation, basic principles, subjects of guarantee and mechanism of security, as well as objects. A mechanism for digital security has been created, which will allow to gradually develop effective management decisions in the enterprise development strategy. The main reasons hampering the process of digital transformation of Ukraine’s economy are: the undeveloped state regulatory framework for regulating the process of building the digital economy, uncertainty about the nature of interaction of participants in this process, as well as issues of development of digital technologies in order to increase the level of competitiveness, entrepreneurship and innovation. In view of the above, we consider it expedient to take the following measures in the conditions of digital transformation: to legally define the concept of “digital security of an enterprise”, its functional components, objects and entities involved in the mechanism of strategy implementation; to help encourage businesses to transition to new business models through collaborations in digital security. Keywords digital transformation, digital security of enterprise, components of enterprise digital security, mechanism for implementation of digital security of the enterprise.

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