
First, the Chinese government positions shale gas as an independent mineral, in one hand, it is meant to avoid the exploration and development of oil and other state-owned monopoly franchise constraints, on the other hand, private capital can be involved in such a huge potential for energy industry in the past, so that the shale gas industry to fully realize the competition. China Land and Resources issued > which required that China shale gas exploration and exploitation implements the open market principle, according to the law society to encourage all types of investors into the shale gas exploration mining fields. China's conventional oil and natural gas exploration and exploitation faced by the high threshold, the Chinese officials encourage qualified private enterprises to invest in exploration and mining of shale gas; at the same time, encourage foreign companies who have shale gas exploration and mining technology to take the form of joint venture, cooperative to participate China shale gas exploration and exploitation. > points that the Ministry of Land Resources is responsible for shale gas exploration and mining of the registration and management, primarily to sell shale gas exploration rights by way of competitive bidding. Keywordsshale gas; exploration and exploitation;

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