
After the decision taken by the ESA Council in 1995 concerning the European participation to the International Space Station (ISS), the user disciplines involved (Microgravity, Space Science, Earth Observation and Technology) are now called to consolidate the strategy for its utilization. The technology user community has high expectations for the utilization of the Space Station: key technologies that would benefit from being validated in-orbit can rely upon frequent access to the Station, considerable in orbit resources, and long duration exposure to the space environment. Early flight opportunities for European payloads are available from 1999 for pressurized experiments, and from 2001 for unpressurized experiments. The European module launched in 2002 will mark the beginning of the routine utilization phase lasting until 2013. To prepare the utilization of the Space Station, the Agency has established a preliminary utilization plan covering the full utilization period of the Space Station. This plan contains the following major pillars: “Early Opportunities”, “COF Utilisation Preparation”, and “Promotion”. The paper presents the key features of the ESA utilization plan from a general standpoint. Particular emphasis is given on the Technology utilization plans and selection procedure.

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