
Focusing on teacher management in private basic education schools in China, this paper makes it clear that the stable development of teachers, as the core resources of the school and the sowers of human civilization, is crucial to the sustainable development of private schools. The authors emphasize that for private schools to achieve long-term development, it is essential to build a team of teachers with strong professional competence and high business standards. Problems in teacher management include insufficient talent pool, unstable team building, unfair salary and remuneration, and unstandardized management system, which originate from the government and social environment as well as the school’s own management level. This article proposes guiding principles for teacher management, which are mainly divided into four aspects: teacher tenure system, teacher training system, teacher incentive mechanism and teacher evaluation system. The article concludes that teachers determine the quality of education and the quality of talents produced, and that private schools must develop good guidelines for teacher management in order to achieve sustainable development. For private schools, teacher management is a project that requires long-term persistence and systematic practice, involving various aspects of work. Given the limited number of years available for the study, it is recommended that guidelines for medium- and long-term teacher management in private basic education schools be further explored in the context of teacher development planning.

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