
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at ensuring a healthy lifeand promote well-being for all at all ages. In order to increase public access To quality health services, the World Health Organization introduced Primary Health Care. In Indonesia, the implementation of Primary Health Care was carried out based on community and community participation, namely Posyandu in every sub-district and village areas. This study at explore internal and external factors and to analyze strategies in the implementation of the Posyandu program. The research design used were qualitative and quantitative approaches where purposive sampling was applied to gathered the research subjects. The data was collected through a questionnaire, and then an Focus Group Discussion will be conducted. The data analysis used was theStrengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threatsanalysis which followed by the Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix analysis. The results showed that the internal and external position factors were in a strong position in the range of 3.00-4.00 which placed the implementation of posyandu in cell I in the internal and external matrix. The alternative strategy that gets the highest score is strategy 1 with a Total Attractive Score of 7.47. The conclusions from the results of the data analysis were: the dominant internal factor as a strength was the availability of cadres during the implementation of Posyandu should consist at least with 5 people, while the weakness found was that they did not have standard operating procedure for the implementation of Posyandu. External factors as the biggest challenges were choosing other health services, while as an opportunity was the policy of the central government by including Posyandu as one of the criteria for Puskesmas to be able to foster active Posyandu. The main priority strategy was to garner support from the business world and traditional leaders. The implication of this research was to socialize it to the business world and traditional leaders related to the Posyandu program to further garner support and cooperation.

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